Let's Materialize the Money! : Material Possession
When no one is there, the thing you buy for you remains there for you!
Hey there!
Today’s I am sharing about my personal experience and the thing I felt about materials or the thing I bought recently for me!
What science says is,
“Human Being is the only animal on this earth, who love material, who possess the quality to have affection towards materials.”
Now I think it’s fair enough to have affection towards the materials because recently I left my job, I remember when I had a job my father kept on saying to me “Dear, always save money when you earn!” and I firmly believe what he says is good for the future!
But Let see when you have a job, you save money, but money has a different tendency, Money has slippery quality, it comes and goes, and to counter this problem few people start investing it, that way is good enough too! but sometimes we keep on saving money, cutting our own needs and eventually what you save drains when you fall into the unexpected problems and when you see, the money you have saved cutting your own desires is no more with you!
Since I lost my job, when I go outside to pay a visit just for the sake of roaming, I feel comfortable sitting on the bike I purchased one year back, and I feel peace in me, and then I think, “What I have now, do I have a job? or do I have a lot of money?” well eventually the answer comes, “I have the thing, that I purchased for me when I see those things, I feel happy a bit about myself, it is the proof of the time when I was doing great!
Who saw the Peacock dance in the Forest?
If you are a model, your appearance, your way of living should be telling, that you are a model! You should be living like a model, the same goes for you! Who is the witness of you being rich, doing great financially? No one actually! But the only way it can be felt is by the thing you carry,
- The car you drive
- The house you live in!
- The attire you wear
and by no means I am telling you to show off, but I want to realize you If you are living in this life, you must invest in the thing that gives you happiness and peace in the long run, see the life is short, and happiness is limited into the things, so I would recommend you
Invest in the things that makes you happy!
Because what matters is your happiness nothing more!
If you materialize your money, it exists in a physical way, that is hard to be washed out as compared to money and it becomes your peace and reason to be happy! and Eventually, money comes and goes but the thing that stays with you till you have life is the thing you purchase for yourself!
So keep materializing the things!
What do you think about it, let me know in the comment section below, do you believe in materializing the thing?
What do you think about material possession?